The following steps provide details for how to add a SCORM package to CACWT training course, then how to align the assignment with the Blackboard grade book. Instructions for this item will assume that you've already authenticated into CACWT as an administrator and have accessed the Blackboard course delivery side of the platform.
1. From within the desired course, click the plus icon in the Course Content homepage.
2. Select Create from the list of options that appear.
3. A panel on the right will open listing multiple items that can be created for the course. Select the “SCORM package” option.
4. Once selected, you will be presented with either the option to “Upload SCORM package” or “Browse Content Collection”. As mentioned earlier, the usual route is to use the course content collection to add a SCORM package but you are free to directly upload one as well. Make your selection from the two options and click Save.
5. Once the SCORM package is uploaded, edit the details and information for the SCORM package, including the following key items below:
For self-paced courses/elearnings, be sure to remove all due dates and times.
Choose Assignment as the Grading Category
Most courses and trainings do not have limited attempts, so unless otherwise desired, be sure to allow for unlimited attempts to the course/training.
[Crucial] Set the grading system to be scored by completion.
6. Double check your edits and click Save. Please note: once you have clicked saved, you cannot go back to make any changes. In order to make edits after saving, you will need to delete the SCORM package and re-do this whole process.
7. After saving, the SCORM package will, by default, be hidden from students. Make sure to mark it as “Visible to students” so it is accessible to trainees.
* Optional: As an administrator, you cannot preview the SCORM package as a trainee but it is still possible to preview it through either one of the two methods below. *
Method 1: After clicking on the course, underneath the course title there is a link titled “Preview SCORM”, click it to preview the SCORM.
Method 2: To replicate the experience of launching the SCORM package as a trainee, you can add yourself as a test user by following the four steps below:
(Note: It is highly recommended that you add a preview user account rather than your actual CACWT account for this method because using your admin-level account will void your administrative access to the course. If losing administrative access is not an issue, then feel free to proceed with the account of your choosing.)
Step 1: From the course page, navigate to the Roster under the Details & Actions section and click “View everyone in your course”.
Step 2: From the Roster, click on the plus sign icon in the top right corner of the page, and click on Enroll People from the options.
Step 3: Enter your name or email address to locate your account and once located, click on the plus icon next to your name. Once you click on the plus icon, a drop-down list will appear where you can select the role you will play as a member of the course. The roles include: Student (selected by default), Training Assistant, Course Builder, Grader, Facilitator, Instructor, Guest, and Observer - CACWT.
(As mentioned earlier, it is highly recommended that you add a preview user account rather than your actual admin account because using your admin-level account will void your administrative access to the course.)
Step 4: Since the intention is to preview as a student, confirm the Student role is selected and click Save to enroll as a student and preview the SCORM package.