CACWT Administrators: Manager Dashboard

CACWT Administrators: Manager Dashboard

Getting Familiar with the Manager Dashboard.


Here are some tips to familiarize yourself with features in the Manager Dashboard. 


  1. Every administrative role has access to the Manager Dashboard. To access the dashboard, login to CACWT and select “Manager Dashboard” under the “Management” heading on the left hand side of the screen. Note that your role may default to the manager dashboard after login.



Figure a - CACWT left side panel with “Manager Dashboard” highlighted.

The dashboard is the homescreen (or landing page) where the administrator can access a variety of features and information.


Figure b - Top of manager dashboard.

  • Widgets on the top of the dashboard provide status updates of enrollments within your affiliation. (e.g. active learners, completed courses, new enrollments, etc.).

  • Delegate Manager - The dashboard also allows a manager to temporarily delegate a manager by selecting the blue “Delegate” button. For example, if a manager will be out of the office for an extended period of time, they may delegate a colleague to be manager in their stead. This feature allows the user to select a start and end date for the new manager. 

  • The dashboard includes additional data such as “Status by Learner”, “Recent Enrollments” and “Recent Completions” specific to the user’s affiliation, as well as statistics. Content from the “Status by Learner” information can be sorted and exported to an Excel document.


Figure c - Middle of manager dashboard.


Figure d - Bottom of manager dashboard.

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