CACWT Administrators: Adding a Learner

CACWT Administrators: Adding a Learner

Adding a Learner to CACWT


The steps below detail how learners can be added to CACWT.


1. From the sidebar of your CACWT dashboard, select Learners and click on Add Learner from the drop-down menu. (Please note that your drop-down menu may or may not contain the same options as the visual below, depending on the level of administrative access in your role.)

A snapshot of the sidebar in CACWT displaying the drop-down menu for the Learner option. Please note this drop-down menu may vary depending on the role you are in.

Figure 3.3.3a: A snapshot of the sidebar in CACWT displaying the drop-down menu for the Learner option. Please note this drop-down menu may vary depending on the role you are in.

2. Once selected, you will be prompted to enter the learner’s information so their CACWT account can be created. Although there are many fields that can be filled out, the only required fields are the ones highlighted in blue, which include the First Name, Last Name, Email, and Password fields. 


  • It is highly recommended that the Affiliation/County of the learner be listed as well. If the Affiliation/County is unknown, please enter “CFSD” rather than leaving that field blank.

  • For the password field, please enter “Changeme1!”. This is the default, temporary password for all newly created CACWT accounts, and the learner will be prompted to change it for their second login attempt if they have not already done so.


Figure 3.3.3b: A snapshot of the learner account creation page.

3.  Once all the required fields have been filled out, click Save. The learner will receive an email notification that a CACWT account has been created for them.

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